單位簡介|About us
學生事務處 處本部 Student Affairs |
1. |
學生事務會議召開。 |
To prepare and arrange Student Affairs meetings. |
2. |
學生事務系統規劃、維護及權限管控。 |
To conduct the Student Affairs system. |
3. |
文藻外語大學性別平等教育委員會執行。 |
To manage Wenzao Gender Equality Education Committee. |
4. |
學生事務處專案活動(計畫)執行。 |
To manage projects. |
軍訓室 Military Education Office |
1. |
軍訓教育業務/後勤業務執行與推展。 |
Implementation and promotion of military training and logistics. |
2. |
國軍人才招募及預官考選業務執行與推展。 |
Recruitment of national armed forces. |
3. |
學生兵役業務。 |
Student Military Service Business. |
4. |
高屏區資源中心全民國防教育相關業務。 |
National defense education of Kaohsiung/Pingtung Resource Center. |
5. |
交通安全教育(含學生專車)。 |
Safe drive education (including students buses). |
6. |
安全通報及危機管理 |
Safety report and risk management. |
7. |
校園安全維護 |
Safety on campus. |
8. |
宿舍管理相關業務。 |
Dormitory management |
9. |
住宿生照護與輔導業務。 |
Care and guidance of students. |
10. |
賃居生輔導業務 |
Guidance governing students who rent rooms off campus (including lease via Cloud Service). |
生活輔導組 Student Assistance Section |
1. |
學生操行(含勤缺、獎懲)作業及獎懲委員會議召開相關事宜。 |
Conduct operation (presence/absence/reward/ punishment) and hold related meetings. |
2. |
缺曠課學生(含定察生)追蹤輔導。 |
Tracking and counseling students having problem of attendance (including regularly repeated clients). |
3. |
品德教育宣導。 |
Conduct education promotion. |
4. |
法治教育(智慧財產權、人權)教育宣導。 |
Law-related education (Intellectual property rights and human rights). |
5. |
減免學雜費及學生就學貸款申請作業。 |
Application for tuition discounts and student loan. |
6. |
校內外各項就學補助措施/獎助學金。 |
Subsidy provided by the School and outside the School. |
7. |
失物招領 |
Lost and Found. |
課外活動指導組 Extracurricular Activities Section |
1. |
負責全校學生社團組織之推動及輔導工作。 |
Promotion and guidance governing students’ clubs. |
2. |
策劃執行全校性之例行活動/大型慶典活動。 |
Implementation of school-wide regular activities and big events. |
3. |
辦理優秀青年選拔。 |
Selection of outstanding students. |
4. |
學生課外競賽績優獎學金之申請。 |
Application for extracurricular contests rewards. |
5. |
負責本校服務─學習相關業務。 |
School Services-Learning Related Business. |
6. |
負責本校學生志工相關業務。 |
Student volunteers related business. |
衛生保健組 Health Section |
1. |
學生健康檢查與管理。 |
Student Health Screening and Management. |
2. |
提供輪椅、急救箱之借用相關事宜。 |
Wheelchair and first-aid kit loans. |
3. |
健康促進與衛生教育活動。 |
Health Promotion and Health Education Activities. |
4. |
急救教育訓練。 |
First-aid training certificates. |
5. |
學生團體平安保險業務。 |
Group insurance. |
6. |
校內餐飲衛生督導與管理。 |
Hygiene of food/beverage suppliers on campus. |
7. |
傳染病防治 |
Infectious disease prevention. |
8. |
衛生器材借用 |
Loan of Hygiene Equipment. |
諮商與輔導中心 Counseling Center |
1. |
個別諮商、團體諮商、精神科醫師駐診諮詢。 |
Individual and group counseling; psychologist in residence. |
2. |
心理測驗與心理衡鑑服務。 |
Psychological tests and evaluation. |
3. |
校園心理健康促進。 |
School Mental Health Promotion. |
4. |
新生生活適應篩檢及班級輔導。 |
Counseling governing life of newly enrolled students. |
5. |
性別平等教育、生命教育推廣及相關活動辦理。 |
Gender Equality Education, Life Education Promotion and Related Activity Organisation. |
6. |
導師相關業務(研習、會議)。 |
Tutor related business (Seminars, Meetings). |
7. |
學生懷孕受教權維護及輔導協助。 |
Protecting pregnant students' right to education and providing counselling assistance. |
8. |
身心障礙學生服務(資源教室)。 |
Services for Students with Physical and Mental Disabilities (Resource room). |
9. |
承辦學生申訴委員會。 |
Committee of students grievances. |
10. |
協辦社會安全網業務。 |
Co-organization in Social Safety Net Business. |
生涯發展中心 Career Development Center |
1. |
校級實習業務(教育部相關校外實習課程計畫、海外實習計畫)。 |
School-level internships (including the Ministry of Education's off-campus internship program and overseas internship program). |
2. |
提供職涯諮詢與UCAN職業興趣探索測驗 |
Career competency & UCAN assessment. |
3. |
輔導學生職涯規劃及就業。 |
Counselling students on career planning and employment. |
4. |
辦理職涯與就業輔導活動 |
Seminars/workshops on career. |
5. |
提供各式就業資訊(學位進修、企業職缺、國家考試、文藻104平台管理) |
Provide employment information (higher studies, government examinations, Wenzao 104 jobs bank management.) |
6. |
校園徵才系列活動 |
Job fair. |
7. |
核發專業證照獎勵 |
Professional license subsidy. |
8. |
畢業校友流向調查與雇主對文藻畢業生滿意度調查 |
Career clusters questionnaire and employers satisfaction survey towards alumni. |
原住民族學生資源中心 Indigenous Student Resource Center |
1. |
推動原住民族文化。 |
Promote aboriginal culture. |
2. |
學習輔導辦理。 |
Learning guidance. |